Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Technology Integration Plan

To help you get in the proper mindset for this project, think ahead to the near future when you call a meeting with your mentor teacher and field instructor to discuss what you hope to accomplish during your lead teaching time. Generically, you are interested in “integrating technology” into your teaching, but your mentor teacher and field instructor will press you to more clearly lay out what this looks like and why they should be convinced that this in the best interest of your students. You can probably imagine several questions that your mentor teacher and field instructor might bring with them to the meeting:

  • What do you hope to accomplish technologically?
  • Why do you feel strongly that this is in the best interest of students?
  • What steps do you need to take to accomplish your goals?
  • How are you going to assess whether you are succeeding?
  • How are you going to document this process for future job interviews?

So, in your technology integration plan, you should answer:

(1) What technology/technologies you would choose to use? Why do you choose to use the technology/technologies?

(2) What specific content would you like to teach with the technology/technologies? What specific pedagogical goals would you like to achieve?

(3) What is your specific lesson or unit plan? (This may run the gamut from a time-intensive 2-week unit to something that may develop over the course of the year.)

Within this specific lesson or unit plan:

  • you can plan on carrying out your plan in several steps so that students can gradually get immersed in intensive use of one or more technologies
  • you can plan on using a certain technology in several different ways to achieve different pedagogical goals
  • you can plan on weaving two or more technologies together to help achieve one or two specific pedagogical goals
  • Of course, you can decide to include all of the three elements above in your plan.

Be sure to talk explicitly about how the technology/technologies are used in a way to help you to achieve your goals.

The plan should be a succinct 2-3 pages double-spaced. Be clear, but be precise. The due date is next Monday at noon.

We haven’t got a chance to talk about Wikis yet. But I would definitely encourage you to consider using Wikis in your tech plan as well. You can find some examples of using Wikis at Examples of educational wikis, and (This is a wiki that I and some other graduate students designed for a classroom activity).

I am not expecting mediocre work!

Throw out ideas that someone else can easily think of!!

Come up with a plan that excites and inspires the rest of us!!!

I hope this would be a piece of work that you are truly proud of!!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Week 10: Assignments

1. Create a post on your blog that discuss how you might draw on collaborative technologies.
2. Work on your technology integration plan (Submit your tech integration plan by Sunday 11:59pm).

Week 10 Collaborative Applications

1 Learn about Collaborative Applications
  • Write collaboratively on the educational implications of Podcast with Notemesh and Google Docs
  • Watch demos on Yugma and Vyew websites
  • Watch a ppt presentation about a collaborative application with Yugma or Vyew
  • Watch examples of Wikis
2. Work in groups and create a sample wiki using wikispace. Create a link to your wiki on our wiki gallery.

3. Read articles and discuss the educational implications of these tools in groups:
  • Notemesh and Google Docs
  • Yugma and Vyew
  • Wikis

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Week 9 Web Portfolio Presentation

1. Work on or further polish your web portfolios

2. Prepare a 15-min presentation on your web portfolios

Presenter: (15 mins)

(1)General Introduction: What is in your portfolio?

(2)Three features: If you go to a job interview, what are three most important things you want the interviewers know about you? Try to use your web portfolio to highlight the three things.

Interviewers and Audience: (5 mins)

(1) Raising questions

(2) Providing suggestions: from the colors, fonts to content

Note: You will record your presentation, and put it on your website and blog.

Week 8 Podcast


Week 7 Digital images

Digitial images

  • Write on your blog about what you have learned regarding the use of images, copyright, mashing, etc. and what this will mean for your own use of images. Also comment on what challenges you think might exist in helping students to think about the use of images more critically.
  • Update the links to Flickr, map mashup in the Wiki Gallery
  • Continue working on your web portfolios

Monday, October 1, 2007

Week 6: Social bookmarking lab

Explore the social bookmarking tool --

1. Get Started

2. Add URLs to your

  • Add two links from "CEP416Resources"
  • Change the name of your bookmarks
  • Tag your bookmarks
  • Bundle your tags

3. Share Your Bookmarks

  • Enable “Private Saving” function
  • Add others to your network
  • Add Linkroll to your blogs

4. Find resources on

Week 6: Activity 1

How does differ from Aggregator? How does del.icious differ from other search engines?

---A question from Maya---

I have been thinking about Google Reader and My understanding is, is more like a "multi search engine", like "Dogpile" Fei introduced in class. If you search by, you can only find the "category" instead of "detailed information" (like "Is ... harmful for teeth?").
While Google Reader is something like you order magazines and they will be "delivered" to your home when there are some new released. And again, Google Reader only offer you a big "category" of the information you have chosen.
Neither nor Google Reader can offer detailed information like Google.

Am I correct about these notions? Please let me know if I have misconceptions. I would like to know your thoughts.

Week 6: Activity 2

Read the following two articles, and discuss how social bookmarking can be used in professional development and teaching.

Ÿ 7 Things You Should Know about Social Bookmarking - EDUCAUSE

Ÿ Sites to See: Social Bookmarking - Education World

Other references

Ÿ Social Bookmarking Showdown

Ÿ What is “folksonomies

Week 6: Assignments

  • Update the “bookmarks” link on the wiki page
  • Set up a calendar account, create a couple of sample events, and add some public calendar.
  • Update your “calendar” link on the wiki page.
  • Create a post on your blog that discusses how you might use bookmarks and calendars a) for your personal/professional use, b) for students to use, and c) for parents to use
  • Continue working on your portfolio: Put all your major pages up (even though most pages are under construction). Focus on getting your resume up by Monday.